Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Singing in the rain

It was a dreary wet Houston afternoon today, a contrast to a reviving market. Many stocks were up as insttuations and hedge funds rebalanced their positions.

Picks at end of day 8/29/2007:

AVNR, AVANIR PHARMACEUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPSI, COMPUTER PROGRAMS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ENTU, ENTRUST INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ICO, INTERNATIONAL COA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISO, ISCO INTL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MICG.OB, MICROFIELD GROUP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NTGR, NETGEAR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NXXI, NUTRITION 21 INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OPTM, OPTIUM CORPORATIO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RAH, RALCORP HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RAVN, RAVEN INDUSTRIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RCII, RENT-A-CENTER INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SKNN.OB, SKINS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TMWD, TUMBLEWEED COMMUN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TWIN, TWIN DISC INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
XPRT, LECG CORPORATION (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ZN, ZION OIL & GAS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Of these, my favorites are AVNR... Actually, just AVNR this time.


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