Monday, August 27, 2007

Market down indicators

Most of the major market indicators are down today, yet several stocks have had big gains. This could be a sign of asset reallocation. Some little known energy stocks on the Canada exchange have had steady gains this past week. Most noticeable EHNX and TREN, one an ethanol startup and the other a coal bed gas producer.

Picks for end of day 8/27/2007:

AGIX, ATHEROGENICS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANW, AEGEAN MARINE PET (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CICI.OB, COMMUNICATION INT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPSL, CHINA PREC. STEEL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FSTR, FOSTER LB CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GAN, GAINSCO INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KIRK, KIRKLAND'S INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NATI, NATL INSTRUMENTS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NTE, NAM TAI ELECTRONI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PMBC, PACIFIC MERCANT B (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STAA, STAAR SURGICAL CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRLG, TRUE RELIGION APP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WFMI, WHOLE FOODS MARKT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WJCI, WJ COMMUNICATIONS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)


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