Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Short term uptrends

I revised the scan from yesterday to include stocks on a short term uptrend. I wanted to monitor these stocks to see how well they do in a short term rebound:

ACP, AMER REAL ESTATE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ALJ, ALON USA ENERGY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANL, AMER LAND LEASE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
APLX, APPLIX INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ATML, ATMEL CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ATX, CROSS A T CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BNJ, BLACKROCK NJ MUN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BRT, B R T REALTY TRUS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CC, CIRCUIT CITY STRS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CCK, CROWN HOLDINGS IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNBC, CENTER BANCORP IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPY, C P I CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CTL, CENTURYTEL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DCM, NTT DOCOMO ADS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DEAR, DEARBORN BANCORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DR, DARWIN PROF UNDRW (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DSCO, DISCOVERY LABS IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ECHO, ELECTRONIC CLEARI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EIG, EMPLOYERS HOLDING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FCF, FIRST COMMONWLTH (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FCS, FAIRCHILD SEMI IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FPFC, FIRST PLACE FINL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FXCB, FOX CHASE BANCORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GERN, GERON CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GLBL, GLOBAL INDS LTD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HGIC, HARLEYSVILLE GRP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HOG, HARLEY DAVIDSON (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISH, INTL SHIPHOLDING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISSI, INTEGRATED SILICN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JOUT, JOHNSON OUTDOORS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LAZ, LAZARD LTD. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MDP, MEREDITH CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MTN, VAIL RESORTS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NCBC, NEW CENTURY BNCP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NMTI, NMT MEDICAL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NWLIA, NATL WESTERN LIFE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PFB, PFF BANCORP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RGDX, RESPONSE GENETICS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SALM, SALEM COMMUN CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SHBI, SHORE BANCSHARES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SMTS, SOMANETICS CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SNHY, SUN HYDRAULICS CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SNPS, SYNOPSYS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SOCB, SOUTHCOAST FINL C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPEC, SPECTRUM CONTROL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPSS, SPSS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SYM, SYMS CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TOMO, TOM ONLINE INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UEIC, UNIVERSAL ELECT I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WTNY, WHITNEY HLDG CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
YPNT.OB, YP CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

If you examine the stocks that were picked from this screen and not picked by the screen from the previous post, one can only come to one conclusion: We're keeping the new additions! Even though they leave a lot of stocks to choose from, they all performed well.


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