Friday, August 31, 2007


The market has been dribbling this week, bouncing up and down. The volatility must be great for day traders, but it won't last. The next phase will likely be a steady increase in emerging markets made stronger by hedge fund re-balancing, or made weaker by the same or by weakness in foreign markets. It's interesting to see US stocks at the mercy of foreign markets. If instead these stocks were people, they'd be in danger of being considered terrorists or being labeled unpatriotic.

Picks at end of day 8/31/2007:
ACLI, AMERICAN COMML LN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ACUR.OB, ACURA PHARMACEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AFSI, AMTRUST FINANCIAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AHT, ASHFORD HOSP TR I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANDS, ANADYS PHARMACEUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANR, ALPHA NATURAL RES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ARIA, ARIAD PHARM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
AZPN, ASPEN TECHNOLOGY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BAY, BAYER AKTIENGES A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BLG, BUILDING MATERIAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNCN.OB, CINTEL CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CNXT, CONEXANT SYSTEMS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CRZ, CRYSTAL RIVER CAP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DDR, DEVELOPERS RLTY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DE, DEERE CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DRH, DIAMONDROCK HOSP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DRQ, DRIL QUIP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DSL, DOWNEY FINANCIAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ECPG, ENCORE CAPITAL GR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EDAP, EDAP TMS SA ADR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EMED.OB, MEDCOM USA INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
EXM, EXCEL MARITIME CA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FORM, FORMFACTOR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FTO, FRONTIER OIL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FUEL, SMF ENERGY CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GABC, GERMAN AMER BNCP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GRT, GLIMCHER RAELTY T (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HLTH, EMDEON CORPORATIO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HSTM, HEALTHSTREAM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
INPC, INPHONIC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KNOL, KNOLOGY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KSS, KOHLS CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LNOP, LANOPTICS LTD ORD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LNY, LANDRY'S RESTAURA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LOW, LOWES COMPANIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MDR, MCDERMOTT INT PAN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MECA, MAGNA ENT CP CL A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MM, METAL MGMT INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MOVE, MOVE INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MPG, MAGUIRE PROPERTIE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MPW, MEDICL PROP TRST (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MVSN, MACROVISION CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NOV, NATL OILWELL VARC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NVDA, NVIDIA CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OEH, ORIENT-EXPRESS HO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OPBL.OB, OPTIONABLE INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ORBT, ORBIT INTL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PCLN, PRICELINE.COM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PGI, PREMIERE GLOBAL S (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PKY, PARKWAY PROP INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PPC, PILGRIMS PRIDE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REGN, REGENERON PHARMAC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RES, R P C INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RSF, RMK STRATEGIC INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SFUN, SAIFUN SEMICONDUC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SPC, SPECTRUM BRANDS I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SWHC, SMITH & WESSON (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRA, TERRA INDS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRN, TRINITY IND (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TTI, TETRA TECHNOLOGIE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
UHAL, AMERC O (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
VRTX, VERTEX PHARMACEUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WEDX, WESTAIM CORP (THE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WNWG.OB, WENTWORTH ENERGY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)


Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Miami condo crisis

Many speculative investors who bought pre-construction condo units in Miami are now upside down. The housing downturn combined with expanding construction of condo units along the Miami cost has created a bear market. Most of these speculators will take these loses to reduce their taxes this year. This may also slow down construction along the Miami beaches leaving inactive cranes as a blemish along the landscape.

Picks for end of day 8/30/2007:
AOLS.OB, AEOLUS PHARMACEUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GHDX, GENOMIC HEALTH (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ICFI, ICF INTERNATIONAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NVT, NAVTEQ CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ORBT, ORBIT INTL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PAY, VERIFONE HLDGS IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PDEX, PRO-DEX INC NEW (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PIED.OB, PIEDMONT MINING C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRGX, PRG-SCHULTZ INTL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PRW, PRO-PHARMACEUTICA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RTSX, RADIATION THERAPY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SCUR, SECURE COMPUTING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SVXA.OB, SOVEREIGN EXPLORA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRGL, TOREADOR RESOURCE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ZUMZ, ZUMIEZ INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Of these, the stocks that seem attractive to me are SVXA.OB and nothing else.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Singing in the rain

It was a dreary wet Houston afternoon today, a contrast to a reviving market. Many stocks were up as insttuations and hedge funds rebalanced their positions.

Picks at end of day 8/29/2007:

AVNR, AVANIR PHARMACEUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPSI, COMPUTER PROGRAMS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ENTU, ENTRUST INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ICO, INTERNATIONAL COA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ISO, ISCO INTL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MICG.OB, MICROFIELD GROUP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NTGR, NETGEAR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NXXI, NUTRITION 21 INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
OPTM, OPTIUM CORPORATIO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RAH, RALCORP HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RAVN, RAVEN INDUSTRIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RCII, RENT-A-CENTER INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SKNN.OB, SKINS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TMWD, TUMBLEWEED COMMUN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TWIN, TWIN DISC INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
XPRT, LECG CORPORATION (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ZN, ZION OIL & GAS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Of these, my favorites are AVNR... Actually, just AVNR this time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A single dove a summer does not make

In the wisdom or George Lucas' character Yoda, "Control, control. You must learn control!" one can learn a critical fact about the stock market. When broader signals show a negative trend, these can dwarf short term signals of a positive trend. The pivot low scan now considers this.

At end of day 8/28/2007:
CTHH.OB, CATCHER HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DESC, DISTRIBUTED ENERG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ESCC, EVANS SUTHERLAND (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MOBE, MOBILITY ELECTRON (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
SNTA, SYNTA PHARMACEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Market down indicators

Most of the major market indicators are down today, yet several stocks have had big gains. This could be a sign of asset reallocation. Some little known energy stocks on the Canada exchange have had steady gains this past week. Most noticeable EHNX and TREN, one an ethanol startup and the other a coal bed gas producer.

Picks for end of day 8/27/2007:

AGIX, ATHEROGENICS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ANW, AEGEAN MARINE PET (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CICI.OB, COMMUNICATION INT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CPSL, CHINA PREC. STEEL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
FSTR, FOSTER LB CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GAN, GAINSCO INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
KIRK, KIRKLAND'S INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NATI, NATL INSTRUMENTS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NTE, NAM TAI ELECTRONI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PMBC, PACIFIC MERCANT B (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STAA, STAAR SURGICAL CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRLG, TRUE RELIGION APP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WFMI, WHOLE FOODS MARKT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WJCI, WJ COMMUNICATIONS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Tighter market timing constraints

Due to my inability to continuously watch the market, I've decided to only highlight stocks that are making a move up rather than stocks likely to make a move up. The resulting scan for 8/27/2007:

ABMC, AMER BIO MEDICA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASYT, ASYST TECHNOL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
BKR, BAKER MICHAEL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CTHH.OB, CATCHER HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CYPB, CYPRESS BIOSCIENC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DIGL.OB, DIGITAL LIGHTWAVE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ELRN, ELRON ELECTRONICS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ERFW.OB, ERF WIRELESS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GPCB, GPC BIOTECH AG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JOYG, JOY GLOBAL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MALL, PC MALL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MEG, MEDIA GENERAL CL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MFW, M&F WORLDWIDE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NKTR, NEKTAR THERAPEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NLC, NALCO HOLDING CO. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RHY, RMK MS HI INCOME (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STR, QUESTAR CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TRES.OB, THERETIREMENTSOLU (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
WPSC, WHEELING-PITTSBUR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)

Friday, August 24, 2007

Lessons learned

I've learned an import lesson in the markets this week, people holding onto stocks do not directly influence market prices, only the active buyers and sellers do. That being said, when a stocks price rises or falls drastically in a short period of time on average or less volume, short term corrective action almost always follows immediately. The exception seems to occur with large volumes of shares traded. Either momentum or consolidation seems to occur.

Picks for end of day 08/24/2007:
ADAM, ADAM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ADVNB, ADVANTA B (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ASYT, ASYST TECHNOL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
CTHH.OB, CATCHER HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
DSL, DOWNEY FINANCIAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ECHO, ELECTRONIC CLEARI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ELRN, ELRON ELECTRONICS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ENCY, ENCYSIVE PHARMA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GERN, GERON CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GILD, GILEAD SCIENCES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
GPCB, GPC BIOTECH AG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
HTV, HEARST ARGYLE TV (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
ILX, ILX RESORTS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
JOYG, JOY GLOBAL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
LVS, LAS VEGAS SANDS C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MALL, PC MALL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MEG, MEDIA GENERAL CL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
MFW, M&F WORLDWIDE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NKTR, NEKTAR THERAPEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NRGN, NEUROGEN CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
NSM, NATL SEMICONDUCTO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
PARL, PARLUX FRAGRANCE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
POL, POLYONE CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
REVU, PRINCETON REVIEW (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
RHY, RMK MS HI INCOME (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
STR, QUESTAR CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)
TWLL, TECHWELL COMMON (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart)