Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday Picks

At end of day 6/10/2008 (tight tolerances):

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.384946429102867
Market Val Change $-2,423,998,971
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 146
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 60
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 825
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 450
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 74
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 238
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 330
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 104
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 22
Number of stocks up 4% plus and 200% or more from year low 7

+_*^*ARM, ARVINMERITOR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.9 - $15.16
_**CL, COLGATE PALMOLIVE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $74.33 - $72.29
_CRDC, CARDICA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.81 - $7.2
+DYII, DYNACQ HLTHCR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.78 - $6.04
_*EFJI, EFJ INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.95 - $1.83
_^ELN, ELAN CP PLC ADR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.92 - $24.3
*ETR, ENTERGY CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $121.51 - $118.87
+*FEIC, FEI COMPANY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $23.75 - $22.77
FSYS, FUEL SYSTEMS SOLT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $32.27 - $31.15
+GW, GREY WOLF INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.02 - $8.04
_HTX, HUTCHISON TEL ADS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $21.2 - $20.89
IOC, INTEROIL CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $31.68 - $27.25
_ISYS, INTEGRAL SYSTEMS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $38.41 - $36
+_**K, KELLOGG CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $52.01 - $50.33
_**KO, COCA COLA CO THE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $58.01 - $56
+*MRTN, MARTEN TRANSPORT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18 - $16.98
+MVL, MARVEL ENTERPRISE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $36.82 - $34.22
+_PBY, PEP BOYS MAN MOE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.62 - $9.01
_**PEP, PEPSICO INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $67.58 - $65.29
*PLCM, POLYCOM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.18 - $24.54
*QSII, QUALITY SYSTEMS I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $35.01 - $33.47
_SHFL, SHUFFLE MASTER IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.7 - $6.2
_**UUP, PS DB USD IDX BL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.92 - $22.78
**ZOLL, ZOLL MEDICAL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $36.61 - $35.33


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