Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday Picks

At end of day 6/9/2008 (tight tolerances):

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.283166718057572
Market Val Change $-1,335,883,700
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 145
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 34
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 821
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 465
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 88
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 285
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 345
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 109
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 36
Number of stocks up 4% plus and 200% or more from year low 13

+_~ACEL, ALFACELL CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.76 - $0.57
*AKS, A K STEEL HLDG CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $72.64 - $70.01
_^APA, APACHE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $141.99 - $135.25
ATPG, ATP OIL & GAS COR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $45.85 - $44.8
_*BKR, BAKER MICHAEL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.22 - $21.6
_CKNN, CASH SYSTEMS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.44 - $0.35
+_*!EFJI, EFJ INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.83 - $1.55
+ESV, ENSCO INTL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $79.27 - $74.4
FCL, FOUNDATION COAL H (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $76.3 - $72.1
+_FMD, FIRST MARBLEHEAD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.79 - $3.36
+*^@FRO, FRONTLINE LTD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $66.31 - $63.66
GROW, US GLOBAL INV INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.42 - $15.53
HAL, HALLIBURTON CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $50.6 - $49.5
!IIJI, INTERNET INIT JAP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.19 - $8.91
_ILC, ILINC COMM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.28 - $0.24
+!JRCC, JAMES RIVER COAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $44.36 - $39.66
+_KKD, KRISPY KREME DOUG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.9 - $3.53
*LINE, LINN ENERGY LLC U (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $24.29 - $23.85
_MCD, MCDONALDS CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $59.31 - $58
NCOC, NATIONAL COAL COR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $8 - $7.46
_*OMNI, OMNI ENERGY SVCS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.68 - $5.89
PXP, PLAINS EXPL&PROD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $76.42 - $75
REXX, REX ENERGY CORPOR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $27.54 - $25.56
_*SVLF, SILVERLEAF RESORT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.26 - $2.15
*SWN, SOUTHWESTERN ENER (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $48.69 - $46
+_ZVUE, HANDHELD ENTERTAI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.28 - $0.25


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