Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Sector rotation

The market is in a bullish trend, there is no shortage of good news for the short term economy. There are 367 stocks up 25% of more this month, but only 67 up 50% or more in the past month. As stocks with large gains consolidate or correct, new stocks are gaining. When several of the stocks that gain are related, a sector trend develops.

Stocks related to aluminum have been gaining in value. The construction sector has been positive each day for the past week. Using this as a guide, a summary is below (sector and daily gain/loss percentage):
**Alluminium 0.51 -0.05 -0.43 -1.87 -2.82
+Construction 0.77 0.28 1.78 0.37 1.41
+Entertainment 1.09 2.39 0.72 1.6 0.16
+Livestock 0.21 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32
+Processed Goods 0.32 0.57 0.29 0.82 0.19
+Technical Services 0.65 0.58 1.09 0.16 0.16
+Tires 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96

Picks at end of day 9/10/2007:
+ACUR.OB, ACURA PHARMACEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.98 - $1.87
+^AHGP, ALLIANCE HOLDINGS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.47 - $23.82
^AUY, YAMANA GOLD INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.13 - $11.62
+BPHX, BLUEPHOENIX SOLUT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.86 - $18
^BWTR, BASIN WATER INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.3 - $11.88
+*CSUN, CHINA SUNERGY CO. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.17 - $10.2
+*CVBT.OB, CARDIOVASCULAR BI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.68 - $0.5
^CYCR.OB, CYTOCORE INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.35 - $0.27
`DRW, WT INTL RE SCTR F (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $54.1 - $53.5
+EMAG, EMAGEON INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $8.59 - $8.23
^ETP, ENERGY TRANSFER P (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $52.79 - $51.1
+EXM, EXCEL MARITIME CA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $68.19 - $63.5
+GSS, GOLDEN STAR RES L (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.18 - $3.95
+ICOC, ICO INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $14.88 - $13.75
+@IGLD, INTERNET GOLD-GOL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.89 - $12.39
+MDII, MDI INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.88 - $0.85
+^MEE, MASSEY ENERGY CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.31 - $23.35
+MMG, METALLINE MINING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.15 - $2.91
+MWV, MEADWESTVACO CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $31.83 - $30.5
+^NANX, NANOPHASE TECHS C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.97 - $6.6
^NTE, NAM TAI ELECTRONI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13 - $12.5
+^PENX, PENFORD CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $40.34 - $36.98
+^SILC, SILICOM LIMITED (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $26.04 - $24.5
+SIRT, SIRTRIS PHARMA IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.66 - $17.54
`SPR, SPIRIT AEROSYSTEM (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $38.36 - $37
+SYT, SYNGENTA AG ADS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $44.95 - $43.74
+TELOZ, TEL OFFSHORE TRUS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.9 - $15.35
+^VNDA, VANDA PHARMACEUTI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.39 - $14.27
+VSEC, VSE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $56.93 - $51.9
*VTSS.PK, VITESSE SEMICOND (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.93 - $0.89
+VWPT, VIEWPOINT CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.75 - $0.68
+WX, WUXI PHARMATECH A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $37.24 - $33.9


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