Halloween 2007
The Fed Chief cut the interest rate by 0.25 points. Wait, that's not all, the rate at which banks borrow from each other was but by 0.75 points. Yes, that's a full 1% cut for interest in debt owned by banks. Must be nice to have so much debt that the government needs to help bail out people from stupidity. I'm referring to the idiots that backed risky mortgage loans in overpriced real estate markets. They should have known better and should have to suffer from their mistakes.
The market did respond to the news today, look for sector trends in the stocks picked at end of day 10/31/2007:
^ACAS, AMER CAP STRATEGI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $43.41 - $42.02
+^ACTI, ACTIVIDENTITY COR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.65 - $4.18
^ADSK, AUTODESK INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $48.9 - $46.85
+ALLI, ALLION HEALTHCARE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.49 - $6.93
+ALLT, ALLOT COMMUNICATI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.25 - $5.82
+^ANEN, ANAREN INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.67 - $14.64
+ANSR, ANSWERTHINK INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.07 - $3.36
+*ATE, ADVANTEST (KAB) A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $29.15 - $28.25
^AVB, AVALONBAY CMTYS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $122.65 - $118
^BC, BRUNSWICK CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.31 - $21.1
+!BCO, BRINKS COMPANY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $62.65 - $59.98
^BWTR, BASIN WATER INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.99 - $11.5
+CAU, CANYON RESOURCE N (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.48 - $0.4
+*!@CBI, CHGO BRIDGE & IRO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $50 - $46.21
+!CLRT, CLARIENT INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.35 - $2.21
+^CLX, CLOROX CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $62.57 - $61.94
+^CRM, SALESFORCE.COM IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $56.37 - $53.17
*DPZ, DOMINOS PIZZA INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.44 - $14.75
+DSPG, DSP GROUP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.79 - $15.08
+!EMKR, EMCORE CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $10.79 - $10
!EPMD, EP MEDSYSTEMS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.15 - $1.82
^EQR, EQUITY RESIDENTAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $41.78 - $40.48
+ERTS, ELECTRONIC ARTS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $61.12 - $59.68
^EXPD, EXPEDITORS INTL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $50.65 - $48.95
+*FFIV, F5 NETWORKS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $36.03 - $34.09
+*!HEM, HEMOSENSE INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.3 - $15.2
+_^*ICON, ICONIX BRAND GROU (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.85 - $19.83
^IPG, INTERPUBLIC GROUP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $10.35 - $9.92
+IRM, IRON MOUNTAIN (DE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $34.73 - $33.4
+IRN, REWARDS NETWORK (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.9 - $4.51
+ISIG, INSIGNIA SYSTEMS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.59 - $3.12
*ISIS, ISIS PHARM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.62 - $16.75
+!IVGN, INVITROGEN CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $90.87 - $86.61
+LAD, LITHIA MOTORS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.98 - $16.2
+^MRX, MEDICIS PHARMA CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $29.69 - $28.51
+NEM, NEWMONT MIN CP (H (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $50.9 - $47.14
+NEU, NEWMARKET CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $53.76 - $50.85
+^*NPSP, NPS PHARM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.56 - $4.18
+OPNT, OPNET TECH INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.29 - $11.56
+ORCC, ONLINE RESOURCES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.25 - $8.5
+!PNCL, PINNACLE AIRLINES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.84 - $14.85
+`PPO, POLYPORE INTERNAT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.16 - $15.25
+PPS, POST PROPERTIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $41 - $39.7
!QTM, QUANTUM CP DSSG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4 - $3.66
+QTWW, QUANTUM FUEL SYS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.15 - $1.03
+^RNWK, REALNETWORKS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.26 - $6.61
+^SAH, SONIC AUTOMOTIVE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.26 - $24.01
+*^*!SHI, SINOPEC SHANGHAI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $85.54 - $78.05
+@SIF, SIFCO INDUSTRIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.65 - $20.34
+^SIRF, SIRF TECHNOLOGY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $29.81 - $27.1
+SLW, SILVER WHEATON CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.87 - $15.95
+*!SNP, CHINA PETRO & CHE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $165.91 - $150.6
!SPEC, SPECTRUM CONTROL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.2 - $16.49
+SPW, S P X CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $101.3 - $93.05
+!SVA, SINOVAC BIOTECH L (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.17 - $5.8
+^TGX, THERAGENICS CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.73 - $4.25
+THQI, THQ INC (DE) (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $27.09 - $25.42
+TZIX, TRIZETTO GP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.34 - $15.26
~UPFC, UNITED PANAM FIN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.33 - $6.2
+!UPL, ULTRA PETROLEUM C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $70.86 - $67.25
^UTIW, UTI WORLDWIDE INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.51 - $24.7
+^!VSNT, VERSANT CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $21.58 - $20.58
+^WLK, WESTLAKE CHEMICAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $24.54 - $23.11
+^WOS, WOLSELEY PLC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.49 - $17.25
!WRNC, WARNACO GROUP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $40.69 - $38.82
I'm wondering about the possibility of options trading surrounding some of the more interesting picks, one's turning around near a recent low. I've tried trading some options based on advice from blogs, but have failed miserably. I'm going to try based on what I've found with this analysis. The point of trading options is to risk more to profit from the stock price increase without the capital requirements of purchasing hundreds of shares.