Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday Picks

At end of day 2/25/2009:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.240208204064591
Market Val Change $-2,019,864,245
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 64
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 84
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 31
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 17
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 556
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 543
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 9
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 33
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 71
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 440
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 139
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2932
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 30
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 1608
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 8
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 373
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 1
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 264
Number of stocks down at year high 24
Number of stocks down at year low 491

_AKAM, AKAMAI TECH INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.33 - $17.47
+_AMAT, APPLIED MATERIALS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.45 - $8.54
+_^APSG, APPLIED SIGNAL TE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.83 - $17.82
+_*BHV, BLACKROCK VA MUNI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.92 - $14.65
+_COF, CAPITAL ONE FINAN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.27 - $10.06
_CRM, SALESFORCE.COM IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $28.1 - $27.12
_CTT, COMPETITIVE TCN I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.5 - $1.13
+DLM, DEL MONTE FOODS C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.52 - $7.01
+_DY, DYCOM INDS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $5.15 - $4.26
+_**GAS, NICOR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $32.53 - $30.5
_KEY, KEYCORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.75 - $6.77
+_!MCCC, MEDIACOM COMMUN C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.12 - $3.69
_MO, ALTRIA GROUP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.41 - $15.15
_NATH, NATHAN'S FAMOUS I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.49 - $12.15
+_OVTI, OMNIVISION TECH I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.7 - $6.72
+_POR, PORTLAND GEN ELEC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.25 - $16.24
+_RDWR, RADWARE LTD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.48 - $5.92
+_*RRC, RANGE RES CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $35.61 - $33.74
+_*SWIR, SIERRA WIRELESS I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.71 - $3.65
+_SXE, STANLEY INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $30.66 - $29.31
TIS, ORCHIDS PAPER PRO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.6 - $11.1
+*TJX, T J X COS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $23.12 - $22
+TRMK, TRUSTMARK CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.58 - $17.73
_WNR, WESTERN REFINING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.17 - $10.36

Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
STI 47.45308
RGR 41.50943
GPI 40.66074
WFMI 36.16792
RMBS 34.28571
CAB 32.34811
RBS 29.21569
TRLG 28.85714
PCLN 26.09834
KEY 25.40453
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
CQB -60.69455
CBAO.OB -57.89474
SLI -48.74101
XFP -48.57143
AVF -46.92737
SIFI -46.61157
CBI -44.07328
FFG -42.16478
NCS -38.5948

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday Picks

At end of day 2/24/2008:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 37.9733242098762
Market Val Change $8,681,547,304
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 343
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 55
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 240
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 14
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 379
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 731
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 15
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 30
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 91
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 365
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 152
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2880
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 33
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 3252
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 31
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 125
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 2
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 85
Number of stocks down at year high 26
Number of stocks down at year low 222

_COF, CAPITAL ONE FINAN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.31 - $8.68
_CROX, CROCS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.37 - $1.12
+_~*CVC, CABLEVISION SYSTE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.91 - $11.89
_CYN, CITY NATL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $32.06 - $29.76
+_CYTK, CYTOKINETICS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.24 - $1.97
_DCP, DYNCORP INTL INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13.24 - $12.54
+_DDR, DEVELOPERS RLTY (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.85 - $2.96
+_DISCA, DISCOVERY HLDNG A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13.26 - $12.56
+_***EEFT, EURONET WORLDWIDE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.66 - $7.94
_EVVV, EV3 INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.3 - $5.33
+_**FTBK, FRONTIER FIN CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.73 - $1.3
+_**!HMA, HLTH MGMT ASSOC A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2 - $1.72
+_HSIC, HENRY SCHEIN INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $38.57 - $36.05
+_IEP, ICAHN ENTERPRISES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $29.79 - $25.1
+_*IGTE, IGATE CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.42 - $2.82
+_IP, INTL PAPER (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.47 - $5.41
_ISTA, ISTA PHARMACTLS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.06 - $1.75
_JWN, NORDSTROM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13.69 - $12.41
_KKD, KRISPY KREME DOUG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.41 - $1.29
+_*KNDL, KENDLE INTL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $21.35 - $19.88
+_KNXA, KENEXA CORPORATIO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.37 - $3.9
+_!LNC, LINCOLN NATL CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13.04 - $10.2
_NTRI, NUTRISYSTEM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.99 - $11.07
+*~*OEH, ORIENT-EXPRESS HO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.19 - $3.65
*OPTR, OPTIMER PHARMACEU (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.09 - $10.76
_*PKD, PARKER DRILLING C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.71 - $1.44
+_*PWR, QUANTA SERVICES I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.71 - $16.39
+_**RCL, ROYAL CARIBBEAN C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.84 - $6
+_*!RDN, RADIAN GROUP INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.43 - $1.68
+_*RMBS, RAMBUS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.38 - $8.33
+*SEPR, SEPRACOR INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.66 - $15.32
+_SKS, SAKS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.85 - $1.63
+_*TRI, THOMSON REUTERS C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.19 - $23.25
_TSFG, SOUTH FINL GRP IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.95 - $0.75
+_*^UNFI, UNITED NAT FOODS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.5 - $13.94
+_***VIT, VANCEINFO TECH AD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $5 - $4.5
+_WAB, WABTEC CORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $29.02 - $24.92
+_ZION, ZIONS BANCORP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $10.16 - $8.22
+_ZLC, ZALE CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.46 - $1.1

Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
ZN 64.06551
UEIC 38.16667
RMBS 38.14433
MDNB.OB 36.36364
TRLG 35.68627
WFMI 33.69099
STI 31.36428
CAB 27.03583
CDBK.OB 26.62651
TTEC 25.63081
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
CQB -59.35085
XFP -48.57143
SIFI -46.94215
SLI -45.01718
AVF -42.22222
DKR -41.35864
TSBK -40.38095
LDK -38.73967
AFC -37.83032
KNO -36.66667

Tuesday Picks

At end of day 2/23/2009:
Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.0505066110247168
Market Val Change $-6,957,097,583
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 29
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 178
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 6
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 17
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 277
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 908
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 7
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 71
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 60
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 680
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 123
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 3033
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 28
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 1702
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 5
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 629
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 3
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 390
Number of stocks down at year high 27
Number of stocks down at year low 1339

+_****!EMAG, EMAGEON INC. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.68 - $0.76
+*RGR, STURM RUGER AND C (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.17 - $6.5
+_*RMBS, RAMBUS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.7 - $6.27
ZN, ZION OIL & GAS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $15.26 - $12.5

Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
ZN 57.48194
SKF 38.79612
TCI 36.66288
MDNB.OB 36.36364
SMN 32.37163
SIJ 30.67923
SSG 30.62426
TSEO.OB 29.30233
SJH 28.02392
DUG 27.95918
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
CQB -58.97436
TSBK -57.93103
HOOB.OB -53.71025
KNO -51.93214
EXM -50.97222
ISP -50.79031
AFF -50.77519
ISG -50.68638
XFD -50.25907
AVF -49.21875

Monday, February 23, 2009

Friday Picks

At end of day 2/20/2009:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.139786638240727
Market Val Change $-2,896,090,918
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 94
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 361
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 53
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 40
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 317
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 825
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 17
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 35
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 111
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 334
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 157
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2886
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 32
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 1567
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 16
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 710
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 3
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 498
Number of stocks down at year high 29
Number of stocks down at year low 881

+_CAB, CABELAS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $8.06 - $6.6
+_GPI, GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIV (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.64 - $7.14
+_LCAPA, LIBERTY MED CP A (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $5.72 - $5.3
_LCRY, LECROY CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2 - $1.57
+!MYL, MYLAN LABS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.61 - $11.84
+WOOF, VCA ANTECH INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.62 - $21

Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
TCI 53.23496
MDNB.OB 36.36364
SKF 29.35477
TSEO.OB 29.30233
ZN 28.99897
WFMI 28.78636
CAB 27.73376
SPIR 22.83737
HBSI.OB 22.80702
ANDS 22.02284
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
HOOB.OB -53.71025
ISG -47.72967
CQB -46.73993
HIG -45.50562
TRMA -44.83363
ISP -44.15174
WHI -43.61199
LDK -42.53521
TSBK -42.24138
FFG -41.97031

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday Picks

At end of day 2/5/2009:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 6.83179495802996
Market Val Change $4,215,858,556
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 155
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 74
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 84
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 7
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 229
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 1045
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 16
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 52
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 83
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 436
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 230
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2528
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 39
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 5249
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 32
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 166
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 3
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 124
Number of stocks down at year high 33
Number of stocks down at year low 185

ADI, ANALOG DEVICES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $21.98 - $20.71
_AKAM, AKAMAI TECH INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.73 - $15.01
_AMG, AFFILIATED MGRS G (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $46.7 - $43.6
+_ANF, ABERCROMBIE & FIT (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $19.98 - $18.55
_ARTG, ART TECH GROUP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.2 - $2
+_BG, BUNGE LTD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $49.07 - $42.05
+_BMC, B M C SOFTWARE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $28.11 - $26.1
+_*CHRT, CHARTERED SEMI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.56 - $1.5
+_CNMD, CONMED CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $17.11 - $15.9
+_COBZ, COBIZ INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $5.05 - $4.75
+_COHR, COHERENT INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $19.57 - $17.47
+_!CONN, CONN'S (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13 - $12.05
+_CUB, CUBIC CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $31.03 - $27.8
+_DLB, DOLBY LABORATORIE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $30.18 - $27.35
_EBIX, EBIX INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $25.43 - $24.21
+_ENS, ENERSYS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.14 - $10.15
_*HAS, HASBRO INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $23.32 - $22.39
+*!HGG, HHGREGG INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.75 - $8.8
_!HMN, HORACE MANN EDUCA (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.92 - $8.9
+_ITWO, I2 TECHNOLOGIES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.48 - $6.73
_JNPR, JUNIPER NETWORKS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16 - $14.27
+_MA, MASTERCARD INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $159.84 - $145.73
+_MNI, MCCLATCHY CO HLD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $0.71 - $0.65
+_NAL, NEWALLIANCE BANCS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.77 - $11.4
_NED, NOAH EDUCATION AD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.07 - $2.64
_NOK, NOKIA CP ADS (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $13.05 - $12.49
+_ONNN, ON SEMICONDUCTOR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $4.74 - $4.31
+_*PENN, PENN NATL GAMING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $20.83 - $17.52
PHM, PULTE HOMES (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $11.28 - $10.52
+_ROC, ROCKWOOD HLDGS IN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $7.95 - $7.19
+_ROST, ROSS STORES INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $30.63 - $28.5
+_TJX, T J X COS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $22.06 - $20.44
+TWGP, TOWER GROUP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $26.78 - $25.04
+_UFPI, UNIVERSAL FOREST (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $23.92 - $20.03

Top 5 Traded Stocks
Large Cap -------------------------------------------
Mid Cap -------------------------------------------
Small Cap -------------------------------------------
Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
GRBS.OB 71.28571
ITMN 47.57709
CYBS 38.96236
ACBP.OB 35.68129
MDTH 34.21053
PSEM 34.0678
EBIX 32.37897
RBLG.OB 32.24638
MTH 32.07547
DHI 31.00649
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
FRSB.OB -55.55556
MWA -50
MELA -40.3071
MI -40.0314
ADCT -39.29961
FFCH -37.78833
TXT -33.0033
LVS -32.74336
UTI -31.30734
GCI -30.43478

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday Picks

At end of day 2/3/2009:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.811734794203564
Market Val Change $-683,401,265
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 137
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 73
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 84
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 6
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 393
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 754
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 29
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 31
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 176
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 290
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 201
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2631
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 38
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 2700
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 22
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 279
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 6
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 209
Number of stocks down at year high 47
Number of stocks down at year low 274

+!ESI, I T T EDUCATION S (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $129.43 - $122
+!HAE, HAEMONETICS CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $64.65 - $58.8
+_*!HGSI, HUMAN GENOME SCI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.38 - $1.82
_PGC, PEAPACK GLADSTONE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $24.15 - $21.99

Top 5 Traded Stocks
Large Cap -------------------------------------------
Mid Cap -------------------------------------------
Small Cap -------------------------------------------
Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
MSVB.OB 71.42857
BVBC.OB 66.66667
TNCC 61.93103
WHI 60.65574
VPRT 46.91739
RBLG.OB 45.45455
CYBS 35.49738
OSIS 35.19504
CLDA 32.32628
WAYN 30.67151
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
SICI.OB -90.625
DRYS -56.72566
CENX -49.65986
BANR -48.88889
RCL -38.36538
ADCT -35.25896
TXT -35.01553
EK -34.59302
FBMI -33.66708

Monday Picks

At end of day 2/2/2009:

Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 0.811734794203564
Market Val Change $-683,401,265
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 137
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 73
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 84
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 6
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 393
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 754
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 29
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 31
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 176
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 290
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 201
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 2631
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 38
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 1350
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 22
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 279
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 6
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 209
Number of stocks down at year high 47
Number of stocks down at year low 274

+!ESI, I T T EDUCATION S (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $129.43 - $122
+!HAE, HAEMONETICS CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $64.65 - $58.8
+_*!HGSI, HUMAN GENOME SCI (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $2.38 - $1.82
_PGC, PEAPACK GLADSTONE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $24.15 - $21.99

Top 5 Traded Stocks
Large Cap -------------------------------------------
Mid Cap -------------------------------------------
Small Cap -------------------------------------------
Top Percent Gain Stocks (Weekly)
MSVB.OB 71.42857
BVBC.OB 66.66667
TNCC 61.93103
WHI 60.65574
VPRT 46.91739
RBLG.OB 45.45455
CYBS 35.49738
OSIS 35.19504
CLDA 32.32628
WAYN 30.67151
Top Percent Loss Stocks (Weekly)
SICI.OB -90.625
DRYS -56.72566
CENX -49.65986
BANR -48.88889
RCL -38.36538
ADCT -35.25896
TXT -35.01553
EK -34.59302
FBMI -33.66708