Tuesday Picks
At end of day 7/29/2008:
Market Monitor
Trin (Up/Down) 12.3652537485995
Market Val Change $6,760,873,309
Number of stocks up 4% plus breakout on high volume 316
Number of stocks down 4% plus breakout on high volume 70
Number of stocks up 4% plus down move on high volume 81
Number of stocks down 4% plus up move on high volume 11
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past quarter 274
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past quarter 541
Number of stocks up 50% or more in past month 16
Number of stocks down 50% or more in past month 12
Number of stocks up 25% or more in past month 167
Number of stocks down 25% or more in past month 137
Number of stocks up 100% or more from year low 161
Number of stocks down 100% or more from year high 1019
Number of stocks up 200% or more from year low 40
Number of stocks down 200% or more from year high 1394
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 100% or more from year low 39
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 100% or more from year high 59
Number of stocks up 4% plus and up 200% or more from year low 10
Number of stocks down 4% plus and down 200% or more from year high 36
Number of stocks down at year high 65
Number of stocks down at year low 125
_AAI, AIRTRAN HLDGS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $3.23 - $2.92
+_*AGL, ANGELICA CP (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $21.47 - $19.92
+!AKS, A K STEEL HLDG CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $57.37 - $54.52
_*BBV, BANCO BILBAO ARG (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.82 - $18.17
ELNK, EARTHLINK INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.58 - $9
+!FDG, FORDING CDN COAL (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $89 - $87.47
_*GGP, GEN GROWTH PROP I (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $30.25 - $28.25
+_HEOP, HERITAGE OAKS BAN (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $8.66 - $6.65
+*HW, HEADWATERS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $12.59 - $10.46
IRIS, IRIS INTL INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $18.71 - $17
_*MET, METLIFE INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $52.81 - $50.39
+MIG, MEADOWBROOK INS G (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.79 - $6.24
+_MMG, METALLINE MINING (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.45 - $1.34
_MOD, MODINE MFG CO (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $16.49 - $13.69
+NFLX, NETFLIX INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $31.04 - $28.74
+PALM, PALM INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $6.46 - $5.75
*PCL, PLUM CREEK TIM RE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $48.56 - $46.27
+_PRE, PARTNERRE LTD (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $68.53 - $66.06
+_**RAMR, RAM HOLDINGS LTD. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $1.26 - $1.03
_SAH, SONIC AUTOMOTIVE (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $10.69 - $9.76
@SCL, STEPAN CO. (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $57.32 - $49.61
+_TCK, TECK COMINCO CL B (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $41.79 - $37.37
_*UAUA, UAL CORP NEW (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $8.51 - $7.25
_*UTEK, ULTRATECH INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $14.99 - $14.27
+_VSH, VISHAY INTERTECH (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $9.14 - $8.53
!WLT, WALTER INDS INC (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $99.26 - $90.04
+WMGI, WRIGHT MEDICAL GR (Google Yahoo Earnings Chart) $31.62 - $31.23
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